dilluns, 18 de maig del 2009
Easter Holyday is the most important annual religious holiday. The Christinans celebrate thes resurrection the God. In thes days I can go to parties with my friends or parents.
My Easter Holiday has been very fun. I went to a camp wih my friends and we went the cinema, we visited villages...On Monday I went the Barcelona city, I visited thee "Sagrada Familia" and the "Parc Güell". On Tuesday I went with my friends to "La Draga". On Wednesday I went to the cinema. Finally the Thursday, Friday...I stayed with my friends and we went to a sleep over in my house.
In my opinion I liked the Easter Holiday. I went to different places and I also visited some cities
My Easter Holiday has been very fun. I went to a camp wih my friends and we went the cinema, we visited villages...On Monday I went the Barcelona city, I visited thee "Sagrada Familia" and the "Parc Güell". On Tuesday I went with my friends to "La Draga". On Wednesday I went to the cinema. Finally the Thursday, Friday...I stayed with my friends and we went to a sleep over in my house.
In my opinion I liked the Easter Holiday. I went to different places and I also visited some cities

This term we're reading and whaching Four Weddings and a funeral.
-What year was the film made?
-What year was the film made?
The film made in 1994
-Whos' the director?
Director by Mike Newell
-What other famous films has he directed?
Yes, for example:
The Awakening (1980)
Bad Blood (1981)
Dance with a Stranger (1985)
The Good Father (1985)
Amazing Grace and Chuck (1987)
Enchanted April (1992)
Into the West (1992)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
An Awfully Big Adventure (1995)
Donnie Brasco (1997)
Pushing Tin (1999)
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)
The Elfstones of Shannara (2009)
Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time (2010)
Bad Blood (1981)
Dance with a Stranger (1985)
The Good Father (1985)
Amazing Grace and Chuck (1987)
Enchanted April (1992)
Into the West (1992)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
An Awfully Big Adventure (1995)
Donnie Brasco (1997)
Pushing Tin (1999)
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)
The Elfstones of Shannara (2009)
Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time (2010)
-Copy names and pictures. Who are the main actors/actresses? names and pictures
-What type of film is it? a comedy? a tragedy?
This film is a British romantic comedy film
-Write a summary:
The first wedding is that of Angus and Laura. At this wedding, Charles meets Carrie for the first time and sleep with her. The second wedding is that of Bernard and Lydia. As the evening wears on, Charles inadvertently finds himself in Bernard and Lydia's hotel suite and Charles and Carrie end up spending the night together. This period, Charles receives an invitation to Carrie's wedding in Scotland and finally he later confesses to her that he loves her. The third wedding is that of Carrie and Hamish at a Scottish castle. As Charles watches Carrie and Hamish dance as husband and wife. The funeral is that of Gareth. At the funeral, Matthew recites the poem because he love Gareth. The fourth wedding is that of Charles, who has decided to marry Henrietta but at the altar Charles annouunce doesn't love Henrietta. At the end Carrie visits Charles, but he dosn't get married.
-What's your favourite scene/moment? Why?
My favourite scence is when the second wedding because it's funny and interested.
Chapeters 4-5
1. Apart from the first sentence, the sentences/pharases are not in the right order. Put them in the right order and number them from 1-8. Then chek you answers by reading the introduction.
1- It's a summer Saturday morning an Charles is still asleep. he should be...
7- But when he does meet a beautiful woman called Carrie, he wants to...
4- weddings, never his own. He has had platy of girlfriends, but he is...
9-and she marries another man.6- one of his girlfriends, thinks that he has a big problem with women.2-on his way to Angus and Laura's wedding already! Charles is always late,
8- be with her very much. The trouble is he can't decide quickly enough,
5- worried that he will never find the right woman to marry. Henrietta,
3- and he is always going to weddings. But they always other people's
2. Answer the following questions:
-Who shares a flat with Charles? Scarlett
-Who is late for the wedding and why? Charles and Scarlett because they are still asleep.
-Who does the wedding ring belong to? Scarlett and Fiona.
-Who is attracted by a beautiful American woman but can't think of anything to stay? Charles.
-Who is studying to be a priest? Gerard
Chapters 4-5
In these chapters is a wedding and a funeral.
Who gets married? Carrie and Hamish
Who dies? Gared
dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009

dilluns, 20 d’abril del 2009

His career started with a small role in the Harry Potter films. Today this English actor famous for begin a vampire!
Actor Robert Pattinson never planned to become a vampire when he grew up. But despite having had other, smaller roles, he will always be famous as Edward Cullen, the vampire in the films adapted from Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.
Pattinson grew up in London, England. His mother worked for a medelling agency, and his father solds cars. He has teo sisters: Victoria works in politics and Lizzy is a singer and songwriter.
Actor Robert Pattinson never planned to become a vampire when he grew up. But despite having had other, smaller roles, he will always be famous as Edward Cullen, the vampire in the films adapted from Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.
Pattinson grew up in London, England. His mother worked for a medelling agency, and his father solds cars. He has teo sisters: Victoria works in politics and Lizzy is a singer and songwriter.
dilluns, 30 de març del 2009

dilluns, 23 de març del 2009
Gemma: Excuse me. Do you work here?
Sílvia: Yes-. How can I help you?
Gemma: Can you tell me the way to the café, please?
Sílvia: Yes, of course. It's on the next floor. Can you see those steps over there?
Gemma: The steps next to the stop?
Sílvia: Yes, Go up the steps and turn left. Then walk through the Starr Auditorium and you'll see it.
Gemma: OK. Thanks very much.
Sílvia: You're welcome.
Sílvia: Yes-. How can I help you?
Gemma: Can you tell me the way to the café, please?
Sílvia: Yes, of course. It's on the next floor. Can you see those steps over there?
Gemma: The steps next to the stop?
Sílvia: Yes, Go up the steps and turn left. Then walk through the Starr Auditorium and you'll see it.
Gemma: OK. Thanks very much.
Sílvia: You're welcome.